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Tag Archives | Landscape

A Selection Of My Best Travel Pictures (Updated & Remastered)

Fishermen on Inle Lake, Myanmar

Travel Photography is as diverse as Travel Experiences can be, and this very diversity is probably its main specificity. You actually have to cover almost all possible fields of Photography: Portraits / People; Landscapes; Architecture; Wild Life; and maybe Sport in some countries.  Continue Reading →

A Selection Of My Best Landscape Pictures

Sulphure Rock Formations, Dallol, Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

Traveling through Asia, Africa & South America, I had the chance to discover and experience some of the most breathtaking Landscapes on this planet, an incredible opportunity for amazing pictures. But not all the pictures of Landscape I especially like were made in “unique places”: more often than not, the right light, the right composition, the right idea enabled me to shoot some of the nicest pictures I have ever made (in my opinion). Continue Reading →