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A Selection Of My Best Travel Pictures (Updated & Remastered)

Fishermen on Inle Lake, Myanmar

Travel Photography is as diverse as Travel Experiences can be, and this very diversity is probably its main specificity. You actually have to cover almost all possible fields of Photography: Portraits / People; Landscapes; Architecture; Wild Life; and maybe Sport in some countries. The main exception might be Studio Photography, which clearly does not occur while traveling (at least not in my experience). And this is what makes Travel Photography so challenging, but also so rewarding, and in any case never boring!

I have been traveling more than 2 ½ years over the last 20 years, crisscrossing Asia, South America & Africa and discovering more than 70 countries… I must have shot approx. 200.000 pictures, though I am not exactly sure of the precise number, as I only keep the best ones. More than 1.200 of my pictures are listed in one of the leading Stock Image Agencies: ImageBroker in Munich, Germany. Yes, over the years, Photography has become a central aspect of traveling for me, one that actually influences the choice of countries I visit and even shapes the way I travel!

It is always a challenging moment for a photographer to select his best pictures. It is even more difficult when you have many different subjects (as mentioned above), and when you took those pictures in so many different places… Well, I decided to go for this challenge! Here you find the 40 pictures I prefer in my portfolio, in the following categories:

Landscapes: 9 Travel Pictures
Architecture: 9 Travel Pictures
Portraits / People: 9 Travel Pictures
Wild Life: 9 Travel Pictures
Atmosphere: 4 Travel Pictures

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