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Archive | Jordan

Budget Guide To Jordan

The Monastery, Petra

Jordan caters for most types of budget, though it might be challenging if you really are on a shoestring!


Type Of Travel

Jordan was the first “real” trip / road-trip we undertook with our 3 kids (aged 4, 4 & 6 at the time of travel in April 2024). So clearly, we did not try in any way to cut costs. Continue Reading →

2 Week Itinerary in Jordan

View of the Wadi Rum at “Lawrence’s House”

Over the last 20 years, somehow, Jordan had never made it to the top of my travel destinations… What a mistake! The country should receive all the attention it deserves: Continue Reading →

Jordan – A Selection Of 46 Pictures

Treasury or Al-Khazneh at sunrise, Petra, Jordan

Jordan was the first “real” trip / road-trip we undertook with our 3 kids (aged 4, 4 & 6 at the time of travel in April 2024). So clearly, photography was no priority, for obvious reason. Nonetheless, there are so many photo opportunities in Jordan that I could shoot quite a few nice pictures.

With more time, especially early morning and late afternoon, opportunities can be countless. What helped us a lot, though, was the fact that with the war in Gaza, tourists simply avoid the region. Imagine being alone in front of “The Monastery” in Petra… Unique! Continue Reading →