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Tobacco Auction in Lilongwe

Tobacco Auction in Lilongwe

Tobacco Auction in Lilongwe

Our true highlight in Lilongwe was a visit to the Tobacco Auction, about 15 kilometers outside of the city center on the road to the airport. No sign points to this place, so we had to ask for directions three times and ended up giving a ride to a street vendor to show us the way. Continue Reading →

Lilongwe – A Capital Spread Out

Street sellers in Lilongwe

Street sellers in Lilongwe

Lilongwe is not pedestrian friendly, at least not from a European perspective. Except the very compact center, called Area 1, the city spreads into vastness. In the center, traffic crawls at snail speed, which made us realize how much wealthier people must be in the city. Private cars in rural areas are indeed basically unknown. Residences of the middle class are usually large properties, with a large garden surrounded by walls. Continue Reading →