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Tag Archives | Ark of Covenant

Aksum – Raiders Of The Lost Ark?


The Great Stele, Main Stelae Field, Aksum, Ethiopia, Africa

Aksum changed A LOT in 5 years… This sleepy town, quite Off The Beaten Track 5 years ago, is now on the itinerary of all travel agencies, and you will meet large tour groups in all better hotels & restaurants in town. The good news is: there are so many things to do and see in and around Aksum that you will more often than not only see very few tourists during the day… Continue Reading →

Aksum: Raiders Of The Lost Ark?

The Tombs of King Kaleb, Aksum, Ethiopia

The Tombs of King Kaleb, Aksum, Ethiopia

Listen to Ethiopians and you come to believe that pretty much everything started and happened in Aksum…

  • The capital city of the Queen of Sheba? Aksum!
  • The present hiding place of the Ark of Covenant? Aksum!

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