After about two hours of meandering uphill through dramatic mountain scenery, Siachen Glacier came into view. This is not just a glacier but a place of national pride and Indian martyrdom. In 1984, Indian and Pakistani troops fought over this area. The heroic courage and dedication of the Indian soldiers defending and conquering this pass is praised on a big plague at the pass. In the text the name Pakistan is reduced to Pak, a way to belittle the unloved neighbor?
Back in Delhi we had another encounter with Siachen Glacier. Sitting in a movie theater, we became part of a rather strange ritual. All rose for the national anthem. Simultaneously a short film was shown of the glorious soldiers guarding Siachen Glacier today, at mind-blowing temperatures in the winter. No mentioning that more soldiers have died from the extreme weather than in combat back in 1984. Only then could we watch the film…
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