Not that we got there any sooner, flying in the gigantic Airbus A380, but it was a great experience! Something that Gilles had wanted to do for a long time. The check-in in Paris was already quite a sight. Try to picture 516 passengers getting on board at the same time. To be honest is was very orderly, different utopian looking gateways, one for each class, take the passengers inside.
Though the times when airlines generously gave away miles are long gone, Gilles managed to collect a lot. So many that we could fly Business Class with Air France, Vienna – Johannesburg – Vienna via Paris, just paying taxes. Even a ten-hour flight during the night can be pleasant with all that precious space. To stretch out and sleep in a real bed is priceless, actually much more important than the excellent food accompanied by outstanding wines and the several hundred films to choose from the onboard entertainment system.
Heidi’s flight home was not as pleasant as it could have been: the heavy turbulences made even this huge bird bump around in the sky… What should have been a straight 8.600 kilometer long line between Johannesburg and Paris looked like slalom on the monitor. That’s how the pilots had to meander around the horrible thunderstorms!
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