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Grand Escapades’ Travel Guide To Northern Scotland

A Great Road Trip Along The North Coast 500!

Oban Highland Games – Argyllshire Gathering, Scotland

Itinerary And Time Of The Visit

We traveled two weeks in the middle of August 2019 and covered the “North Coast 500”: this road follows the northernmost coast of Scotland, starting from Inverness in the East and reaching Fort William in the West, including (or not) the Isle of Skye, then back to Inverness. It spreads over a distance of 500 miles, hence the name NC500, and covers some of the more remote and beautiful parts of Scotland. Continue Reading →

Grand Escapades’ Budget Guide To Northern Scotland

Amar River Viewpoint, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Neither Expensive Nor Cheap

Type Of Travel

Traveling to Northern Scotland means being on a Road Trip. Do not be mistaken nonetheless, this is not an Odyssey that you plan as you drive, following your inspiration, at least not in the summer (July & August): you should book accommodation at least 1 month in advance, and ideally between 3 and 6 months, especially if you have clear expectations on accommodation. The far north of Scotland (North Coast 500) comparatively sees few visitors (far fewer than lower Scotland), but also offers less options while on the road. Keep that in mind when planning your trip! Continue Reading →

Northern Scotland: A Selection Of 50 Pictures

Dornoch Firth, Scotland

Northern Scotland is definitely one of the very scenic areas in Europe, offering majestic sceneries & ever-changing landscapes, especially along the NC 500 and the Northwest of the country.

Driving along those wee, windy roads, soaking in the windswept landscape, is probably one of the most spectacular road-trips I ever took.

Taking pictures there is about chasing the light, and this very light is what will make it so special… Or so dull!

If we had a few really beautiful days, we also were rained in for 3 long days and else experience 4 seasons in a day…

But this is exactly when the landscape turns majestic, with a unique mix of dark skies and sporadic sunlight on the horizon. Truly magic!
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